Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics in economics and quantitative analysis and information systems. In 2003 he was awarded a PhD title in economics by the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
He started his professional career at the Ministry of Finance, he also worked for the Supreme Chamber of Control, Ministry of Justice and the Social Insurance Institution. From 23 November 2016, he held the position of a Director General at the Ministry of Finance. Parallel to his work in administration, he worked as a researcher at the Institute for Market Economics [Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową] (1998-2004) and at the Graduate School of Business Economics [Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Finansów Międzynarodowych] (1999-2007). Member of the Supervisory Board of the spv Aplikacje Krytyczne (2017-2018) and member of the National Health Fund Council (January-July 2018) appointed on request of the Minister of Finance.
Public management expert. Author of papers and books on public administration, public finance and management control.
From 12 July 2018, Adam Niedzielski was the Deputy President of the National Health Fund for Operational Affairs and from 18 July 2019 – he was the acting President of the National Health Fund.
By the decision of the Minister of Health of 10 October 2019, he was appointed the President of the National Health Fund.